Thursday, October 27, 2011

aiman's questionnnnnn :D

today's entry will be so short just for answering aiman amir's questions
i haven't been updating my blog for a long time because
i'm currently not feeling like posting something
to be frank
i'm concentrating on watching anime lah now

here it is
the questions:

Aie's Questions. (korang jwb and elaborate sekali, tau?)

- Do you often play with your friends? What did you play??
>well, to be frank,  do a lot of sports
i often play with my friends who are close to me.
we would always be playing badminton, hide and seek, lots more :)
- What do you think of my blog? Okay kea, berterabur kea?
>your blog? hahahhaha
epic question
of course la awesome
aq punya ni lagi laa
- What is the most suitable word to describe me (Aiman)?
- What is the best word to describe yourself?
- Besides than just a friend, who am I to you? And why?
>you're my bad influenced friend
because you thought me to ditch school and go to TbunT
like just now
- Who would you prefer? Best friends or crush? Why?
>of course la best friend because they last FOREVER
*in some cases, they don't
- If you have less than a minute to live, what would you do?
>recite the syahadah
- What is the word 'pain' ... means to you?
>pain is the most bitter part in life
pain holds the definition of how hurtful it feels after something happen in my awesome life
which ruins it
- People said that a friend can be a foe, sometimes. What do you think?
that is so true
you can't deny that and that friend
might be your WORST enemy
like zidane and sephiroth
- Mana lagi awesome? Hamster kea tikus?
>hamster of course because it's a thousand times cuter
and cleaner
- Are you answering all my questions honestly?

Friday, July 29, 2011

splendid time :')

hello !

          ohk, straight to the point. today i didn't kill that kidd. thanks to FARIZ AHMAD, who explained to me everything. then pn. zuraidah masuk ganti bacaan yasin. then i was like so fresking bored, so i disturbed the teacher. well of course she was on something. abe, x kan nak kacau mase die x buat kerja, hello =_=? then she was like malas nak layan aku, she asked ME to help her in doing that work. nak tau dia suruh buat ap? dia gunting some of the phantom of the opera punya questions then she asked me to paste it on a new sheet of paper. i was like, ok la kann. then, settle la sehelai. was on the way pasting on the new paper then she was like, "ape kau buat tu ziqri! jauh nye jarak!" and i was like "ehh, teacher x cakap pun brape jauh nak jarak =_=?" and she was like, "hmm, x pe la x pe.. x yah la selang banyak2.". after 5 minutes, she shouted at me again she said " mcm mane kau tampal tuu? senget! just like my, 10 year old son pasting his folio last night!" i was like "bahhahha! LMAO!"

           then habisss. after that period, SCIENCE. BEST GILAAA!!!!!! bahhahaha xD was kononya nak blaja la kan buat revision. da smangat gila da tanye cikgu smua soalan yang salah. then titibe hazim class rep pegi kat teacher bergossip. haishhhh, mula2 tahan la ka. then da sampai 1 tahap x tahan, bangun, straight join. ewahh, gossip pastu x de aq kan, mane complete xD LOL! x sangke tu bergossip ngan teacher xD 1st time bergelak ketawa dgn teacher scince tadi. bagai kan kanak2 ribina xD teacher kate "hahh, mula la tu sebok nak ber gossip" then i replied, " la, ap salah nye, kan ni last jmpe sblm nak puase, kite gossip la habishabisan xD" teacher ngan hazim straight gelak ! ahahha xD habis azam aq nak buat latihan konon la kan..

          macm biase la kann, pg tmpat tugasan, then mase tugasan abis. time to eat :D makan nasi lemak canteen tadi. tekak da start loya.. hmmm... sbo je la kann, then titibe rase something yg x spatut nye rase dlm nasi lemak. aq muntah straight kat situ at that time jugakk ! @_@

                                                                                     ~prefect's recess habis~

          then mase cikgu sejarah awesome gilaaa :D then tibatiba this kidd muncul from my back. h was covering his mouth with his tie. i then trus ckp kat di " kau datang sni then kau glak, you're gonna get it from me!" then dia pun step ke blakang skit* die nak tergelak sbnrnye -_-'''* then die pg kat cgu. aq pun tari die suroh die ddk n we settled the case in the senang way la kann. then back to normalllll :) pastu gedebakgedebuk bincang jawapan, da habes tu lepak la ngan sab n the gang. eeeeessshshsh! jeles je doh ngan shakirah pnye happy fairytale. ugh -_-'''  then da x tahan tline ddk ngan AIMAN. gile! first time ddk sembang ngan die xD hahahhaha! terbaek la aiman, hazim adanan and khairul nuraidi ;)

           pastu da abis period tu, SIVIC!!!! BOSAN SUMPAH CGU X MASUK! then bt hal sndri. aq ngan yusri kluar klas lepak kat blek gru kacau pn. khairiah, pn. zuraida and gossip sket ngan cgu zarina LOL klaka best sumpah xD

           pn. zuraida then back on air at the  :D then titibe je masuk bawak 1 plastic bag of marshmellows kann. amboiamboi! prut da earthquack kann! air terjun da mleleh je. she said that enyone who finishes the essay she'll be giving will won that marshmellows. i was like trus start buat x hirau langsong discussion die org buat. tekun je buat xD  then the marshmellows were... MINE!!! duhh xD ! hahaha

                                                                             ~balikpgsolat jumaatandsorts~

            hahahaha! lepak ngan my beloved TAWAMEF je after that. we ate domino's ;3 large 4 regulars and two box of ice-creams, KENYANG WEYH! smpai mlm ni aq x mkn =_=''' ahhahha, had a super great time with them <3 :D

            whaaaa.. puas la today :) next week, monday da puasa. CAN'T WAIT MEHH xD comecome ramadhan! had been waiting for soooo long for your arrival :'D

                                                                                           ~THE END~

Thursday, July 28, 2011

parential attention

hello !

         here's what it is.parental attentions are important for everyone.never the less, us, the growing TEENAGERS. i don't care that you're parents are divorce or what so freaking damn ever but you don't have the rights to bad-treat someone to gain their attention lah kann. kau ni buat ikut suka hati kau je kann. ewaaaaah, cantik nye muka, macam jamban aq je kann.
         ohkohk, cool downnnnnnn.. so the story isss, this kid yang i thought nak tolong la konon nye kan sebab memang kekurangan PERHATIAN sngt, buat la baik dgn diaaa. x nak la ungkit ap buat, kang x dpt phale plakk.pepatah mlayu kate ap ehh, jap, 'kite bagi bunga dibalas taik' ? some sort like that..x sangke la pulak kan.
          ni hahh die 'taik' yg die bagi aq:-

          if you guys are curious enough, try ahh. then see what comes out. OMG lahh kan, da la my uncle kat blakang . then maen membuta bukak je that web. memang sumpah terkejot la kann. doesn't know wether my uncle knows it or not. if he does, then i'm dead meat la kann. i don't know lah kan what i'd done wrong to him but i think he needs someone's attention lahh, i mean, SERIOUS ONE! haiyooo... in class also like that lahh. always kacau2 org and then at one stage until he made a facebook page for the teacher he hates the most. come on la kann, i think she's not that bad. there's only one condition whaaaaaaat     -____________-'''   :-
      'DO YOUR HOMEWORK!' that one only. why sooo hard one to do mehh -..-? haiyooo... tomorrow if he approach me with his freaking innocent face than laugh at me, i'm going to grab his shirt then give him one nice shot one laaa then say 'TRIME KASIH KAWAN! KAU JGN CABAR AQ WEYH! KAU AQ BAEK2 NGAN KAU, KAU BT AQ CMNI ENN! EWAAAAHH, CANTIK MUKA!'

                                                                     ~THE END~

a fresh new start :)

let's just say that i've deleted all of my previous posts
don't worry
will update new posts as soon as PMR is settled

studystudystudystudy first
then we